Sunday, January 6, 2008

Being Sick, Sucks!

The problem is, it is all that internal sickness. You know what I mean? On one hand I feel like vomiting, on the other hand, or should I say end, well you know.

Of course there is lots of stuff to do and to get done, and I hate lying down on the job. Currently, I am teetering on the edge of nausea, with a touch of vertigo, so I am right this minute not taking responsibility for this post. In fact, the only reason I am doing this is because of my commitment to the NaBlo365 - or something like that.

Ugh! I gotta go.


  1. Feel better! You are really going to blog every day? Yikes, you must be sick!

  2. I figure that this way I'll force myself into doing a few words a day, at least. Kind of like your writing schedule from Monday through Thursday. At least that is what I keep telling myself. :-) As for feeling better, you betcha! I am back from the dead now. Thank God it was only the 24 hour variety.


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