Monday, November 24, 2008

Haves and Needs

I have a lame title.

I need to be more witty.

I have a runny nose.

I need to catch it.

I have at least three different meme's that I have been tagged for.

I need to do those.

I have a back porch that needs some plastic protection for the winter.

I need to do th.. WAIT! I did that!

I have a big toe that has a HUGE toenail attached to it.

I need to cut it down, but can't find the clippers.

I have a beautiful niece that just turned four!

I need to give her more hugs before she goes back home to Colorado.

I have another niece and a nephew that seem to finally like me.

I need to give them more hugs before they go back to Minnesota.

I have three weeks of vacation that I have to burn.

I need to do it before the year ends, so I am on a "working" vacation, this week.

I have a trip planned next week, that I have been looking forward to for over a year.

I need to really enjoy the time spent with Andy, because he may not want to tag along with us much longer.

I have a new employee that is a pain in the butt!

I need to just forget all about him and enjoy these next few weeks.

I have nearly 200 items in my Google Reader.

I need to read them all before I go to bed tonight... Maybe.

I have a headache coming on

I need to go to bed.

I have a title that might not be so lame.

I need to quit kidding myself.

Good night.


  1. Well-done!
    I also think about my elder daughter who asks more and more to go with friends on holidays! The immediate solution is to invite her friends with us, but soon we'll have to let her go.

    And please, some read your blog early in the morning, Roger, because of the time-difference, avoid toenails or whatever story of that kind! ; )

  2. Wow - you're better than I! I finally got down to 200 items in my reader!


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Have a GREAT day!