Monday, March 10, 2008

Talk About Your Irony...

Maybe Governor Eliot Spitzer was getting some connections when he was prosecuting crimes like this.

I feel for his wife and daughters who must be devastated. I mean it would be bad enough to find out, in private. Now imagine having the glare of the media shining through your window. It would probably be right for him to resign and just quietly disappear for a while.

Why is it that smart people do dumb things? Amazing.

Now, for something else amazing, I heard on the radio some lady actually defending his right to do this. Okay. Sure he does have the right to do it, after all there is nothing that says you cannot commit a crime in this country. Now, if you get caught, that's another story.

Anyway, this lady was trying to correlate Spitzer paying for sex, versus (you know of whom I shall now mention) Clinton having sex with an intern. She said that as long as Spitzer was doing his job, what difference does it make what he does in the privacy of his own home. (Or a suite at a Washington D.C. hotel, in this case). I agree. You can do whatever you want, and should be allowed to do whatever you want in the privacy of your own home. AS LONG AS IT ISN'T ILLEGAL!!

Last I checked, prostitution is only legal in the state of Nevada. However not in Las Vegas, more irony there. Also believe it or not Adultery is also against the law. Oh and let's not forget that Spitzer put people behind bars FOR doing exactly what he just got caught doing.

And people wonder why I hate politicians.

Now, why do I care? Because this is a black-eye on the country, believe it or not. Now there are some places that will poo-poo it, in fact some people in this country will do the same thing I imagine. This is why the terrorists hate us so much.

Our lack of morality. If you wonder why there are so many teens having sex before marriage, just watch the television for a night, premarital sex is glamorized for all to see. Arrggghhhh! I spinning in tangents now, sorry.

I hope for the good of the state of New York, Eliot Spitzer steps down, TODAY.

Good night from Illinois, where we have our own corrupt Governor, but hey so is everyone else under him, so...

A new list later, I promise.

Excited, aren't you?



  1. I read your link concerning Gov.Spitzer in part not the entire article. No time to lose with that kind of person and his depravity.Send him in Nederland where all that kind of stuff are allowed by law. Him, and all those who do the same and we ignore it.
    What I can't understand is all these media which advertise himself, he isn't worthwhile. Just as those terrorists (their head hidden with a scarf or covered with a hood an arm in hand, see what I mean)who are interviewed, I can't understand it.They never win the right to speak on MY TV! Even motivated by the freedom of the press. As you write, media "minimize" these bad acts, and make them "usual".
    You know perversion has always existed, and will always do. In your country, in mine, in Occidental countries, even in Greece and Rome, 2000 years ago. And I wouldn't change for a country hypocritically "moral" and fundamentalist. Morality is a question of person, family, religion, or education.
    If U.S. lacks of morality, what should we say, here! In Europe(Some countries even legalized drugs, even Spain, so catholic country is more tolerant!).
    I'm not sure "lack of morality" is the motive for other countries to hate us. They would better gladden that we're declining. No need to attack us, we're "distroying" by ourselves! Countdown is started.
    No, there are other reasons : jealousy of our (no more our, but your) hegemony. They can't bear it. Let's pray for our kids ths hegemony lasts for many centuries.
    I would be a tyrant if I was president!

  2. Oooo that man!
    I pray for his wife & kids, what a life.


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