Monday, February 23, 2009

Facebook Pat-Down

I'm in a bad mood, so this will cheer me up, and make you laugh as well.

Have a nice day. :)


  1. Hahaha! That was hilarious! That guy is dead on! I can't tell you how many times I have thought some of those same things when talking to my teenage girls about their Facebook/Myspace things.

  2. Roger, I really like the new look on your site! Very cool!
    Looks just like you on the soap box! heh heh

  3. Loved it! Now I'll post it on Facebook, post a link and invite all my friends to a group for it and poke everybody incessantly until @*$(%#%

    ...session terminated.


Hello, this is the section where you tell me that you LOVE me or HATE me... Either way, please drop me a line and don't be a stranger.

Have a GREAT day!