Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ask A Question

With February almost over, I thought that it was about time for me to open up the floor to y'all and allow you the opportunity to ask me a question. I will do my best to answer them all, with the exception of any math - I don't do math anymore.

Floor's yours, so ask away!

*It's late and I have been downloading stuff from iTunes, please forgive me. :)


  1. Do you live/work right in Chicago? If not, how far away are you? How bad has the parking violations and towing gotten since it was privatized in Chicago? Can people waiting behind you at a red light in downtown Chicago wait more than 5 milliseconds before honking the horn after it turns green? Have you seen that commercial where the guy gets on a plane in Mpls and flies to Chicago to get his pregnant wife a pizza for lunch? Is that a true story?

  2. Well, I had a really great one... I think Jeff took it. BUT HE CHEATED AND ASKED MORE THAN ONE! A LOT MORE!
    Yes. I was "that" child in school.;-)


Hello, this is the section where you tell me that you LOVE me or HATE me... Either way, please drop me a line and don't be a stranger.

Have a GREAT day!