Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Cool T-Shirt Slogans Wanted

Because I like causes of all kind, especially fun ones, I am encouraging all three of you to go and visit Trish here and bring your creativity! It could win you a cool new T-shirt. Or better yet, some cool new blogger friends.

Oh, the slogans are to be of the blog-related type: You know something like "Blog This" or "My mom goes on vacation and all she did was blog." Hey, that one might work. I call it! Dibs on that slogan... I'm off to enter it, now.


P.S. - Don't forget to visit Trish (because I might get some new bling. ) Seriously, it looks like a cool little site to visit, complete with mistakes, errors, boo boos strike outs. :)

1 comment:

  1. I've collected the best Christian T-shirts I found in here:

    Personally, I would prefer those apologetic figures such as Dinoglyfs documented by the ancient man few thousands years ago, as displayed in the site above. Unfortunately, they are not sold anywhere... Anyway, anyhow, this might be the Elder Wand you sought:

    Do You happen to know a site for such "apolo-wear"?

    A recent book "Understanding Intelligent Design" by ­William Dembski and Sean McDowell, son of Josh McDowell just became available last week.

    The book is geared at Christian young people (junior high and high schoolers) as well as for Church groups (e.g., Sunday Schools) to help get out the word about ID, Intelligent Design. A MOST REVEALING INSIGHT FROM ITS FIRST CHAPTER:

    "A few years back, skeptic Michael Shermer wrote a book called
    How We Believe. For it he commissioned a poll of thousands of
    people. He asked participants why other people believe in God. The
    most popular answers focused on religious benefits: God comforts
    us, provides the basis for living a moral life, gives purpose to our
    lives, and is the source of meaningful religious experiences.
    Then Shermer asked participants why they personally believe
    in God. The number one answer changed drastically. The most
    common response was the design and complexity of the world.
    Our natural tendency, it would seem, is to believe the world was

    Hunting the best T-shirt slogans,
    evolutionary critic
    Biochemist, drop-out so called
    (MSci-Master of Sciing)
    Helsinki, Finland


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Have a GREAT day!