Sunday, March 22, 2009

Boltin' To The Dark Knight

It's Sunday folks, which of course means, movie review time!

What's that you say, you didn't know that it was movie review time on the blog? Don't worry, neither did I.


A charming little tale about a dog that thinks that he is something that he really isn't, and along the way, he finds out who he really is. Typical Disney, and I loved it. Best of all, my kids love it as well.

The Dark Knight

The reason I can't finish my Bolt review. Wow!

Now, it's bedtime.

** Sorry for the psych job, I'll post real reviews, later.


  1. That's great! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who gets distracted in the middle of blog posts.

    The Wii is my weakness and has taken me away from the bloggy world and twitter. It's sad....but its so addicting!

  2. I haven't watched either, but my hubby loved the Dark Knight and he didn't think he would.

  3. MTAB - We go through the Wii addiction from time to time, you are right, it is a lot of fun. Especially the Guitar Hero games (Metallica is coming out this weekend - I just know that Jenni is gonna want that for her birthday)

    Holly - You should check it out, my son tried to get me to see it in the theaters and I didn't, which is unfortunate, because I bet it looked great on the big screen. Don't let your boys watch it though, too dark.


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