Psalm 37
Just felt like sharing this beautiful Psalm today, enjoy...
- Of David. Do not be provoked by evildoers; do not envy those who do wrong.
- Like grass they wither quickly; like green plants they wilt away.
- Trust in the LORD and do good that you may dwell in the land and live secure.
- Find your delight in the LORD who will give you your heart's desire.
- Commit your way to the LORD; trust that God will act
- And make your integrity shine like the dawn, your vindication like noonday.
- Be still before the LORD; wait for God. Do not be provoked by the prosperous,
- nor by malicious schemers.
- Give up your anger, abandon your wrath; do not be provoked; it brings only harm.
- Those who do evil will be cut off, but those who wait for the LORD will possess the land.
- Wait a little, and the wicked will be no more; look for them and they will not be there.
- But the poor will possess the land, will delight in great prosperity.
- The wicked plot against the just and grind their teeth at them;
- But the LORD laughs at them, knowing their day is coming.
- The wicked draw their swords; they string their bows To fell the poor and oppressed,
- to slaughter those whose way is honest.
- Their swords will pierce their own hearts; their bows will be broken.
- Better the poverty of the just than the great wealth of the wicked.
- The arms of the wicked will be broken; the LORD will sustain the just.
- The LORD watches over the days of the blameless; their heritage lasts forever.
- They will not be disgraced when times are hard; in days of famine they will have plenty.
- The wicked perish, the enemies of the LORD; Like the beauty of meadows they vanish;
- like smoke they disappear.
- The wicked borrow but do not repay; the just are generous in giving.
- For those blessed by the Lord will possess the land, but those accursed will be cut off.
- Those whose steps are guided by the LORD; whose way God approves,
- May stumble, but they will never fall, for the LORD holds their hand.
- Neither in my youth, nor now in old age have I ever seen the just abandoned
- or their children begging bread.
- The just always lend generously, and their children become a blessing.
- Turn from evil and do good, that you may inhabit the land forever.
- For the LORD loves justice and does not abandon the faithful. When the unjust are destroyed, and the children of the wicked cut off.
- The just will possess the land and live in it forever.
- The mouths of the just utter wisdom; their tongues speak what is right.
- God's teaching is in their hearts; their steps do not falter.
- The wicked spy on the just and seek to kill them.
- But the LORD does not leave the just in their power, nor let them be condemned when tried.
- Wait eagerly for the LORD, and keep to the way; God will raise you to possess the land; you will gloat when the wicked are cut off.
- I have seen ruthless scoundrels, strong as flourishing cedars.
- When I passed by again, they were gone; though I searched, they could not be found.
- Observe the honest, mark the upright; those at peace with God have a future.
- But all sinners will be destroyed; the future of the wicked will be cut off.
- The salvation of the just is from the LORD, their refuge in time of distress.
- The LORD helps and rescues them, rescues and saves them from the wicked, because in God they take refuge.
Thank you, that was wonderful...just what I needed today. How did you know what kind of day I was having? ;-)