Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Who Knew?

That skiing could ruin your dignity?

That stealing an election is now en vogue in Minnesota?

That Doctor Who could be so addictive?

That snow is very pretty, until it gets stuck in your shoe. Then it's just pretty darned annoying.

That President Elect Obama can make mistakes?

And have enemies?

Maybe he is human after all?

There would be no conflict of interest here?

Okay, enough of that. What an interesting news day and it's only Tuesday!! I have a question, I know another one right, but is George W. Bush still president of the United States of America? I mean he's pretty much nowhere to be seen. Maybe it's for the better. I mean if he isn't seen, he can't get blamed for anything, right?

The Chicago Blackhawks are going to win the Stanley Cup, as long as they don't have to play Detroit that is.

Finally, if you are so inclined, my friend Laura posted this the other day and I feel very strongly about president-elect Obama's intentions to signing FOCA, which is just a bad law all-around, so please join me in anyway you can.


If you are opposed to abortion, please read the information below and join us in prayer and fasting January 11-19, 2009.

The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) will be signed into law if Congress passes it on January 21-22, 2009. The FOCA is the next sick chapter in the book of abortion. If signed into law, all limitations on abortion will be lifted, resulting in the following:

1) All hospitals, including Catholic hospitals, will be required to perform abortions upon request. If this happens, Bishops vow to close down all Catholic hospitals - more then 30% of all hospitals in the U.S.

2) Partial birth abortions will be legal and have no limitations.

3) All U.S. taxpayers will be funding abortions.

4) Parental notification of abortions on minors will no longer be required (regardless of age).

5) The estimated number of increase in abortions is 100,000 annually.Just as important, the government will now have control in the issue of abortion. This could result in a future amendment that would force women by law to have abortions in certain situations (rape, Down Syndrome babies, etc) and could even regulate how many children women are allowed to have.

Needless to say this information is disturbing, but sadly true. As Catholics, as Christians, as anyone who is against the needless killing of innocent children, we must stand as one. We must stop this horrific act before it becomes a law.

PLEASE JOIN US IN saying a novena and fasting from January 11-19. For Catholics, the prayer of choice is the rosary for the special intention of stopping the FOCA. For non-Catholics we encourage you to pray your strongest prayers with the same intention for 9 consecutive days.

We hope and pray this will branch and blossom to become a global effort.Please do the following 3 things:

1) Pass this information on quickly (so as many as possible can start praying on January 11)

2) Say a novena from January 11-19, asking God to prevent the FOCA from becoming law in the U.S.

3) Fast at least 2 days during this novena (either a complete fast of bread and water, or a Lenten fast of no meat and meals limited to 1 regular meal and 2 lesser meals during the day).

Remember that with God all things are possible and the power of prayer is undeniable. If you are against the senseless killing of defenseless children, please join us in prayer and fasting.

Good Night and God Bless!!


  1. Can't guarantee I'll fast--I'll still be playing single mom during that time-frame and I am not going to push the limits of my patience. I've been known to attempt to kill cattle minding their own business when my blood sugar drops.
    But...I definitely will be praying since you know this is an important topic to me.
    BTW, did I read somewhere you are expecting number seven???

  2. I'm truly terrified of that man & what he's okay with doing. I have been having near panic attacks every time I think of the 20th.

  3. I can't fast but I will be praying!!

  4. My heart physically hurts at the thought of that bill getting passed. It really scares me to think about how bad this whole nation may get screwed up over the next 4 years.

    Praying isn't enough. We need to put our feelings and opinions into action and start writing letters.

    God can and does do miracles, but he expects us us take action. Jesus didn't tell the criple to just lay there after he healed him. He told him to take up his matt and MOVE.


Hello, this is the section where you tell me that you LOVE me or HATE me... Either way, please drop me a line and don't be a stranger.

Have a GREAT day!