Monday, October 27, 2008

Because I Need It

I thought that since I don't have enough on my table already, here comes a new month long project to participate in...

NaPraGoMo -- National Pray to God Month

That's right, on top of writing a 50,000 word novel, and posting daily during the month of November...

Maybe I bit off a bit too much here... especially since I am still technically grounded. :)


  1. Grounded? Wait a tic. What'd I miss?

  2. J grounded you? HAHAH. Good luck getting it all done. I think it's sad we have to have a Pray to God month...and shouldn't it be Jan to coincide with RvW??

  3. Good Idea...'course, I hope we all pray a whole lot more than that!
    Good luck on all of your "stuff".
    Blessings, E


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