Wednesday, February 6, 2019

This Time I Mean It, I Think

I wrote this on New Year's Day, fully intending on writing daily then. On a different blog, which to be quite honest I don't know why I started it. So, I will post all that I wrote on that blog and leave them here... I think there is one more, maybe two. Yeah, my big writing daily turned into a whole three days. Let's see if this will go better, maybe starting on the first of the month/week/year/century/whatever is not the way to go. Let's hit it starting on February 5!! The cry that will be heard throughout the lands. I actually just snorted after writing that. Apparently, my nostrils don't even have faith in me.

Onward, I say!! Onward!!

So, I am back to this writing daily thing, well that is the intention at least. I mean why not? I enjoy writing, I still have the ability to write and string together words into sentences that make relative sense, etcetera.

Why? Why not I say. I need something to fill that time where no one is paying attention to me which makes me sad. Not really, but it seemed like a good thing to get everyone to jump on this pity party or something. Really though, there is no pity party going on in my head, or life, for that matter.

"To life, to life, l'chaim"

Will you have anything important to share with the masses? Any insight on how the United States can pull itself out of its funk of annoyance? Is that really a thing? I mean I know that half of you hate Trump while the other half seem to love him. Personally, I could give two piles of feces about any politician and I am not afraid to tell any of them that to their face. I might even refrain from the clean version and use that big 'S' word.

Where was I?

Oh yeah, will I have anything important to say? I seriously doubt that anyone will take me seriously, I mean some of you might initially but once you get to know me, watch out! I am mainly planning on using this as an outlet for my creativity and for story writing. I figure I should get going on that so when I am finally discouraged with working for 'the man' and want to still be able to eat, I figure I could write and maybe even make a few bucks in the process. As of now, I will keep my day job.

My stories will range from very short flash type stories to long-form novels (really!) At least that is the plan. I am sure there will be some personal stuff in here, I may change the names to protect the innocent, or guilty for that matter. One thing for sure though, I will not be delving into politics as I find them to be a waste of time but I may write about the effects of said politics, which is not the same, I think.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy what I bring to you and please feel free to drop me a line.

Have a Happy and joyous New Year, let us party like it's 2019 baby!

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