As a writer, I look for new ways to spark some creativity in myself. One of the ways I do this is to randomly choose ten words and make a story using those ten words throughout the story and they have to be used correctly, etcetera and it would be nice if the story itself makes sense.
I have also gone through the alphabet, forwards and back, writing a sentence or series of sentences using the letters in order. That is fun, and sometimes it makes sense.
This is what I will be doing over the next few posts, so do not be alarmed. First up will be a story using my ten words, chosen randomly, I promise. The words are
environment, wander, panel, intake, tube, east, preaching, formulation, ancestor, and enjoyment.
To make things more interesting, I am going to add a random sentence to start the stories with, yes I said stories. I have two sentences so there will be two stories. The first sentence is
"How can the moderate wed the fancy metric." the second is
"The girl acquires an evil censor."
I don't know about you, but I'm kind of hating myself right now for choosing those two sentences.
I will also have two posts using my alphabet method, one from A to Z the other from Z to A.
Pretty exciting, eh? (I'm in Canada, so I have to "eh" right?
Anyway, stay tuned for the results, I promise they should all arrive by the weekend. Hope you enjoy them.