Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy October

Probably the start of the busiest time of the year for our family, with the holidays and five birthdays before the end of the year, but there is no better time than the present to start over and take up new and lofty goals for oneself.

No really.

What kind of goals? Well the same I always have, you know, write more, read more, live more and eat less. I have been reading a lot more all year, and I think that I am well over my original goal of two books in a month and am currently shooting to have forty completed by the end of the year, which is less than ten currently I believe.

I have been trying to live more, however, the only evidence I have of that is the fact that my lively fingers are responding to the equally lively brain that has processes being formulated and sent through various nerve thing-a-ma-doodles (is so a word!) to them.

I have even gone on and started eating less, and get this kids, exercising.

I'm serious! It's been a remarkable month so far and I have lost over eight pounds!! (That means nine, not ten, but it sounds better to say more than something, especially when it comes to losing weight, at least that is what my equally lively brain that has sent the processes...)

So what's left?

Um, have you looked around here lately? 119 blog posts for the year, only 3 in the month of September - of which I only wrote anything substantial on one. Yeah, I need to kick my arse in gear and get back to my writing routine, after all if I want to live, this is part of what makes me alive.

Believe it or not.

I get a little bit of a high while writing, I mean my mind suddenly realizes that I am no longer doing my mundane daily tasks of bossing people around or eating. Yeah, it's suffering through a little bit of culture shock as well. Anyway, I have a goal in mind for the number of words that I would like to write every day, and since I have this site, I can even post all of those words here, for some body's enjoyment (you caught me, it's actually for mine).

What is that goal?

Glad you asked, and I'm not sure that I want to tell you because then you might come to expect words of wisdom in a certain length on a daily basis and the pressure...

Ah screw it, I'll tell you. Just like I will tell you my current weight (once a week) and my current workout (more than once a week). I am also going to be putting some stories that I am working on, and please, please feel free to give me any kind of criticism, encouragement, snarky remarks you can come up with - I need to be able to handle that sort of thing you know.

Those of you that have stuck with me through my latest dry-spell, I appreciate it, really I do. Those of you just now reading my words for the first time, welcome. Feel free to stop by more often and you can always go back and witness the craziness that is known as my brain on paper. Sometimes I am profound (HA!), most of the time I am silly. I will dabble a bit into the political arena, but I don't always like to, because you know whatever I say, it's gonna piss someone off, right? I'm not one that likes to piss off too many people so... you know.

I can also guarantee that there will be plenty of things that will be here that my family might question my sanity with, but you should feel safe in the knowledge that the medication I am taking is working and that my family is never in any danger - unless laughing at their dad makes them wet themselves, in which case, ewwww.

Photos are good and hopefully they will be plentiful, in fact I might just start putting them on another page, we'll see. I kind of like that photo 365 project, or whatever it's called, so if you see the pages up there and one day photos, or some other witty name shows up, check them out. Same goes for the books read page, heck I might even start reviewing more books - no guarantees there though, as I had intended on reviewing every book that I read, or listened to, and I think I have reviewed one-fifth of the thirty-plus books I have read this year.

Okay, so are you still with me? Only a couple more things that I feel like sharing at the moment, and I honestly just blanked on them, so they must not have been too terribly important. Life in the fast lane, I guess.

Below this little screed, if you will, you will see a place where you can make a comment, or two. Please use that, I enjoy getting feedback from others and it would be really cool if I could respond to you directly via email, otherwise you will have to come back here and see if I read what you had to share and commented back. Believe me I read everything that people share here, even the spam and nasty mean comments.

Okay, maybe not too much the spam, but the others, most definitely.

This has been fun and I feel like I have only just begun.

That doesn't seem to be making much sense, the same could be said for this line as well, but it's the way I write here, totally off-the-cuff, and straight from the brain of ROG, which actually sounds scarier than it is, especially if you read ROG like BOG and not like RAJ - makes sense, no?

Just think, if you come by here each and every day, and read what I have written, you will have over 350,000 words to think over and marvel at. At the end of that year, who knows, maybe I'll be as famous as someone that is more famous than I.

So have you figured out that writing goal yet?

It's 1,000 words a day.Which brings me to the next thing that will be included with each post, the word count. I have to keep myself honest right?

Thanks for reading and will see you next time.

W/C - 1076


  1. ramble away....I'm good at snarky...


  2. Sorry I haven't been stuff..ugh. Anyway, I'm glad to hear you're doing all that exercising of the brain and body stuff cuz I've been sorely lacking in both and need some encouragement. I used to work out five to six days a week...but my eliptical machine has been collecting dust in the last few months and I have the junk in the trunk to prove it.

    I have the new season of Biggest Loser on my DVR, with hopes of watching it to get inspired. The funny thing is...I need to turn it on first. Who woulda thunk it?

    Can't wait to read all your stuff...hope to get back to my blog in about two weeks, barring any more family disasters. I swear, some asshole put a curse on me, or, my bad parenting has finally caught up with me. Something tells me it's the latter. ;-)

    Later, kiddo. :-)

  3. Mary Ellen - Thinks are getting better all the time, and I look forward to catching up with you when you come back to the internetz. :)


Hello, this is the section where you tell me that you LOVE me or HATE me... Either way, please drop me a line and don't be a stranger.

Have a GREAT day!