Sunday, May 17, 2009


If there were one word to describe how I feel at the moment, ugh, would be it.

I have a tooth that is throbbing - no I won't go and see a dentist, why do you ask? So I took some extra strength Tylenol to ease the throb. 

Guess what? Not working.

In fact, all it has done has made me have an upset stomach AND a throbbing tooth. No, I still won't go to the dentist, as this to shall pass, thankyouverymuch.

No, I'm not afraid of the dentist, just his bills. I hear all the time how people find these great dentists that don't charge an arm and a leg, I just can't seem to find one. Granted I do not have the ideal mouth, I know this. Apparently I have been blessed with soft teeth, that and the fact that I, for some odd reason, feel that I do not have the time to take care of said teeth. Never mind the fact that I will spend hours on this computer playing the latest buzz game (chain rxn, if you are keeping track - at least for me). I still don't seem to find the time to take a few minutes to pay attention to the pearly whites.

I am a bad example for my kids. 

Actually, I have turned into a great example for my kids, so they will not follow in Daddy's footsteps, or would that be brush strokes. Whatever. 

Unfortunately, some of my kids have my problem (soft teeth), and it shows in their semi-annual visits. That would be #2 and #5 for those keeping track at home. Poor kids. At least they do spend the few minutes a day to attend to the enamel, hopefully it will last their lifetime.

Or maybe they will grow up to become, or marry a dentist. In which case, I will be first in line.


  1. Go to the will only get MORE expensive the longer you wait...unless you can just have it pulled...but regular dentists don't seem to do that anymore and you'll have to go to an oral surgeon...ugh.
    Signed, Been there Done that!

  2. UGH good luck with that! I'm with Elizabeth get your butt to the dentist! Rent out a kid for a couple days to cover the bill!

    I wanna know how Jenni is doing? How's this baby treating her? How's she managing to homeschool the kidlets being a gazillion months pregnant?

    I'm pretty sure I don't even like my kids right now so having 7 of them would not be cool. Maybe if I had a husband on a regular basis, or anything other than one being shot at and only communicating through the phone that would help.

    Like I was saying, just go to the stinkin dentist. It's gonna be more pricey if you wait longer. I have soft teeth too. I want new ones.

  3. I did go to the dentist today, tried not to, but the pressure from the abscess, and coworkers convinced me to go. Only cost me $50 and was over in an hour.

    Jenni says that I have no idea, because I am too into myself. Other than that, she's in the "homestretch" and is ready for our newest addition to arrive. Besides school is almost over and I just bought her some new bonbons. :)

    Be careful now, because if you had a husband around more... well, you know. :)


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