Friday, December 5, 2008

Btavia, IL 5 - Orlando, FL 80

Daddy thanks for the pretzels AND the sun! Oh and the heat as well. :)

Do you think that they think we made the right choice? My three youngest enjoying a Wetzler's Pretzel in the glorious warm sunshine. :)

Okay, no more rubbing it in, just thought I would throw up a quick picture from my cell phone. More from the cameras, as soon as I find my USB cable (here cable, cable, cable).


  1. That picture is worth a thousand words! They look to be having a blast!

  2. You have my nomination for Dad Of The Year Award!

  3. So is this pic from Disney itself or somewhere along the way? Details Roger... we need details!

  4. awesome shot...wish I was down there enjoying the warmth and sun, too! :)

  5. Jeff, this was taken at Downtown Disney. We traditionally drive down and arrive a day before checking in to the resort and hangout at Downtown Disney, and the pool. You know, to get acclimated and all that. Also, I'm supposed to take a nap, but never do. Just like I shouldn't be up right now, at 12:30AM on the day we are leaving, around 9PM tonight. But I can't help myself - plus there is packing to do. :)


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Have a GREAT day!